Our Ethos and Values
Garden Suburb Infant and Junior Schools Ethos and Values
- Garden Suburb Infant and Junior schools are non-denominational and multi-cultural schools with inclusive values at the core of everything we do.
- We value and respect all adults and children as individuals capable of spiritual, moral, intellectual, emotional and physical development.
- We believe schools have a duty to foster children’s personal development and wellbeing.
- We believe all children have the right to receive the best education in order to achieve their academic and overall potential whatever their individual needs and abilities.
- We believe that ensuring positive communication and relationships is fundamental to learning, working and fostering wellbeing.
- We believe school is an ideal environment for children to learn positive social values, healthy communication with others in the wider society and respect for oneself and others.
- We value pupils’ voice and active engagement in school life.
- We value the diverse backgrounds, experiences and knowledge that children bring from home, and those that the wider community can offer us.
- We value the parents/carers contributions and involvement and know children learn best when school and parents/carers work closely together.
- We value the rights of our school community to learn, work and feel welcomed in a safe and supportive environment.
- We value the expertise and commitment of all our staff and believe in supporting their professional development and individual wellbeing.
- We value our physical environment as the basis of life and a source of wonder and inspiration.
- The Governing Body and staff work together to ensure that our values are adhered to, that nobody is discriminated against and that we all uphold our duty of care and safeguarding.
British Values
We believe that our schools’ values, curriculum and ethos which permeate everything we do, reflect the British values of democracy; the rule of law; individual liberty; mutual respect; tolerance of other faiths and beliefs.As per DfE – British Values – November 2014
Our Vision
Our vision is to cultivate excellence and enjoyment in teaching and learning within a safe, stimulating and caring environment where the wellbeing of the whole child is nurtured and the achievements of each child are celebrated.
We want to preserve and encourage the Infant School and the Junior School independence as well as enable close collaboration between the two schools. We recognise children learn and develop best when their education matches crucial phases in their development.
To achieve our vision the staff and governors will:
- Create a rich, varied and safe learning environment where children and staff develop their skills and abilities and everyone feels welcomed
- Promote an atmosphere which celebrates the rich diversity of our community and counter all forms of discrimination.
- Provide a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum through which all children are able to realise their full potential.
- Have high expectations for all children whilst supporting their individual needs.
- Foster positive learning behaviours in our children to enable them to be resilient, reflective, imaginative, co-operative and independent learners.
- Encourage the children to be tolerant and to respect themselves, each other and the environment in which they live.
- Nurture the spiritual, moral, social, emotional and physical development of all children
- Teach the children about rules and that alongside rights, each of us has responsibilities
- Develop children’s ability to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts and create positive relationships
- Foster parental and community involvement and encourage the partnership with parents and carers in the education of their children.
- Provide our staff with ongoing opportunities for professional development in a supportive work environment that ensures the best education and academic achievement for all children